Friday, April 13, 2012

Pokemon Black And White 2

A lot of announcements have been made about pokemon black and white 2!
The release date for Japan is June 23. Our release of the game will be sometime in fall this year.
(Left to right) Akuroma, Homika, New Rival, The female & male hero's

The game is in a new location, Hiogi City, in the south of Unova's south region. The Pokedex has been expanded to 300 unova pokemon! We have a new rival character which is a childhood friend like Bianca and Cheren. The game takes place 2 years after the end of black / white.

There are new male and female Heros for the game. There is also a new professor named Akuroma who researches the strength of Pokemon. There are even more new characters! including two new gym leaders, Homika and Shizui. Not much information is given about them. We don't know who they replace, but Homika is a poision-type user while the Shizui is a water-type user. Thats all for now! I'll be back soon when i get more updates for the game!

1 comment:

  1. my guess is that The two gym leader replace the first two. But i think you'll still be able to battle them later in the game.
